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Playing games

Game Players, my seventh book, will launch in eight days, on Friday 18 May 2018.

On a personal level, it is by far my favourite book. Each of my books holds a special place in my heart, usually for some small part of it that is in some way personal, but Game Players is about a nice gang of kids.

All sounds a bit Famous Five ish, or even Secret Seven? - don't be fooled. These kids have each others backs, totally loyal to each other, but not averse to telling the odd lie or two, or generally lying by omission, when adults are brought into their equation.

It was difficult to write a main character - the gang - when there are six parts to that character, but oh so enjoyable. Starting Saturday 12 May I will be posting every day on my timeline, and that post will feature one of the children. It will tell you a little bit about them, so that when you open the book on the 18 May, you will feel you know them

You won't!

Of course, it's an Anita Waller book, and there are one or two deaths along the way, and even a half-competent police force. It's set in Sheffield, about a ten minute walk from where I live. Some of the action takes place in a little wood right by the side of Moss Way police station. I've been passed that bit of wood so many thousands of times, and always think there could be bodies in it. It had to end up in a book.

It used to be a bigger wood, but then along came mighty Asda and bought part of it, removing trees from a great swathe of it. So Asda is in the book too.

I hope you love it as much as I do.

The next one, Malignant, is a different kettle of fish altogether...


10 May 2018

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