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4 days to 34 Days

I don't really know how I feel at the moment. 34 Days is launched on Monday and an awful lot of people have pre-ordered it because it is currently sitting at no. 26 in psychological thrillers, and 159 overall in Amazon's paid chart. That is so scary, considering it's not even out there yet.

What if everybody thinks it is rubbish? Well, one thing's for sure, it's not on a refund policy if you want your money back lol.

It's about murder. Well, to be honest, more than one murder. If you've ordered it thinking it's a love story - it is, sort of, with murder. Mainly murder.

I personally like a bit of murder, keeps the world turning. Especially when the murder is oh so very necessary. I bet we all know someone we could cheerfully murder - that's necessary murder, necessary to make our lives better. See what I mean?

I've used the M word a lot of times in this post and I reckon in a previous life, maybe I... no, I couldn't have been, could I?

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